The UHN Office of Research Trainees (ORT) Times is a monthly e-newsletter for UHN trainees that features articles about trainee life, tips on career development, and research training opportunities within and outside of UHN. For additional info and past issues of The ORT Times, go to uhntrainees.ca.
Linda Penn, PhD
Director, UHN Office of Research Trainees (ORT)
Senior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
10,000 PhDs: Where Are They Now?
Tracking the outcomes of 10,000 PhD graduates from the University of Toronto.
(Article originally published in the February 2018 edition of The ORT Times)
Start Building Your Network
It is never too early to start networking.What better time than now?
(Article originally published in the March 2017 edition of The ORT Times)
Advances in human neuronal electrophysiology and modeling highlighted at the 49th Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting.
Latest Research in Rheumatology
The 2019 ACR Annual Meeting highlighted improvements in patient treatment and disease activity based on the latest clinical drug trials.
Updated Daily
Online Resources
The ORT is here for you
The ORT has resources to help you while you #StayHome. Check our website often to stay informed, join webinars, find funding, recharge, find support and much more.
Visit our website here.
Available now
Pivot Funding Database
Find funding specific to your research using the Pivot funding database. Graduate Students login with your UTORid email and PDFs use your UHN email.
Visit the database here.
April 7, 2020 at 1:30pm
Resume and Cover Letter
Now is an excellent time to polish your resume! In this interactive session, you will learn strategies to create a more effective and captivating resume. Please have a copy of your draft résumé as well as a job posting for the session.
Register early here.
April 9, 2020 at 2:30pm
Networking Strategies
Networking is an opportunity for you to gather information relevant to your career interests and establish connections with people who share your professional interests. Learn about strategies to help make connecting online easier.
Register early here.
April 14, 2020
Best Practice in Education
This presentation will review older leadership paradigms and discuss some newer ones and their value in assisting leaders to enable their organizations to be engaged, adaptable, and responsive.
Click here for info.
April 15, 2020
CRI Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Cancer Research Institute (CRI) Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program provides financial support and career training to promising young scientists in basic and tumour immunology.
Click here for info.
April 23, 2020 at 2pm
Exploring Your Career Options
ORT has partnered with Career Exploration and Education to help you navigate the dynamic and often complex process of developing your career options.
Register early here.
April 30th 2020
Scholarships for Graduate Students with Disabilities
TD Bank funds scholarships that support graduate students with disabilities at KITE, the research arm of Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (TRI).
Click here for more information.
"Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com
The ORT Times is brought to you by UHN's Office of Research Trainees. Some images adapted from istockphoto.com, Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia.
*The views expressed in the articles in this newsletter are not necessarily those of UHN or ORT*