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Find out what's going on at the ORT and around UHN!
HIGHLIGHTS (Scroll down for more events & opportunities)
The Intersection of Physical and Mental Health:
a panel discussion

September 21, 1:00 PM  |  Register
*Part of PDF Appreciation Week*
Careers in Science Consulting: Lessons and Opportunities from Lifescience Dynamics
September 22, 2:00 PM  |  Register

"The Dark Degree": A Session on Crushing Imposter Syndrome
September 27, 5:00 PM  |  Register
Toronto Research Information Outreach Team
(Canadian Cancer Society)

Interested in science communication and outreach?
Volunteer Opportunities
*To share upcoming events or opportunities with the UHN research community, please fill out this form or email

ORT Meet and Greet
October 12 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM 

The Office of Research Trainees (ORT) is hosting a Virtual Social Event for all UHN Trainees and Postdocs on October 12th at 12:00 pm.

Join us for conversation, games, and the chance to meet your colleagues!

Register here!
Add it to your calendar here!

Postdoc Appreciation Week!
September 19-23

The UHN Postdoc Association and ORT are hosting a week of events to celebrate and support Postdocs, including Networking and Wellness Panels, Socials, and much more!

Click here for more information about the daily  events and to register!

Optimizing Your Resume & LinkedIn
*TODAY* | 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Join Hannah Stevenson, a Career Educator, to learn how to build a cohesive job application package for a career in the life sciences.

Up for discussion: optimizing your LinkedIn, tips and tricks to maximize the LinkedIn algorithm, and what makes a resume stand out.

Register here!

Crafting An Effective Teaching Statement
*TODAY* | 3:30 - 5:00 PM

Communicating your teaching identity and goals is key to a successful application for academic faculty positions.

This interactive workshop will highlight evidence of effective teaching and strategies to get started or polish existing teaching statements. Register here!

PM Virtual Seminar Series
September 22 | 4:00 - 5:00 PM

Speaker: Christian Steidl, Research Director of the Centre for Lymphoid Cancer, Executive Director Research at BC Cancer, and Professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UBC

Title: The tumor microenvironment of lymphoma through a genomic lens

Click here to join the meeting!

Careers in Science Consulting
September 22 | 2:00 PM

Join the Science to Business Network (S2BN) for an educational session with representatives from Lifescience Dynamics to learn about the current state of pharmaceutical and biotech markets, careers in science consulting, and potential recruitment opportunities.

Register here!

"The Dark Degree": Crushing Imposter Syndrome
September 27 | 5:00 - 7:00 PM

Do you feel like you're struggling in grad school while everyone else's degree around you is going perfectly? Well you're not alone! 

Join the GLSE Crush Imposter Phenomenon team for the chance to learn from senior grad students and PDFs as they share their grad school hiccups and dead ends, and how they overcame them!

For more details and to register, click here.

Systematic Review Overview
September 28 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Thinking about doing a Systematic Review? 

In this session you'll learn about the 8 steps involved in a systematic review, understand the importance of a priori protocol and the value of record keeping of all SR activities. 

To attend, register here.
Leveraging Social Media for Science 
September 28 | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

In a sea of misinformation and a crowded social media landscape, how can scientists leverage social media to achieve their goals?

Join The Gairdner Foundation during Science Literacy Week for TED talk-style presentations and a panel discussion on Leveraging Social Media for Science. To attend, register here.

The UHN STEM Pathways team is looking for UHN trainees, staff and scientists who are interested in delivering educational opportunities to elementary and high school students.

UHN volunteers will participate in outreach initiatives such as classroom visits, scientist panels, lab tours, mentorship and hands-on workshops. Select volunteers will receive an honorarium to develop and facilitate programming.

Learn more here or register here
Are you interested in science communication and outreach? Then join the Toronto Research Information Outreach Team (RIOT)!

RIOT is a team of researchers that works with the Canadian Cancer Society to share their knowledge with the general public. They engage with members of the community, through presentations, blog posts, symposiums and social media.

RIOT is looking for enthusiastic scientists to join their team. Interested? Visit the RIOT website or email:
From the ORT Team! Below are pictures and descriptions of: Dr. Linda Penn, Director; Dr. Amanda Veri, Lead, Research Training Programs; Dr. Lauren Del Bel, Operation Planning Coordinator; Dr. Ornela Kljakic, Youth Outreach Coordinator
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101 College St Rm. 13-701
Toronto, On M5G1L7

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