Find out what's going on at the ORT and around UHN!
HIGHLIGHTS (Scroll down for more events & opportunities)
Careers in Medical Communications, Science Consulting & Project Management (Panel Q&A and Networking hosted by the ORT and Sixsense Strategy Group) October 19, 4:00 PM | Register
Immigrant Researchers: from Postdoc to PI
(Tips for early scientists)
October 12, 1:00 PM | Register
*To share upcoming events or opportunities with the UHN research community, please fill out this form or email
ORT Meet and Greet
October 12 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM
The Office of Research Trainees (ORT) is hosting a Virtual Social Event for all UHN Trainees and Postdocs on Oct. 12th at 12:00 pm.
Join us for conversation, games, and the chance to meet your colleagues!
Register here!
Add it to your calendar here!
Careers in Medical Communications, Science Consulting & Project Management
October 19 | 4:00 - 6:00 PM
All are invited to an exciting webinar and exclusive networking session with Sixsense Strategy Group, a boutique consulting firm in Toronto. The webinar will consist of a Panel Q&A, followed by Group Networking Sessions.
For details and to register, click here.
Workshop: Searching MEDLINE
October 5 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Finding the Evidence You Need!?
MEDLINE is a leading database for biomedical scholarly literature. This session will present theory and techniques for building effective search strategies. You will also learn how to manage and troubleshoot search strategies and search results.
Register here!
PM Seminar Series
October 6 | 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Speaker: Dr. Kira Gritsman, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Oncology, Division of Hematologic Neoplasia; Department of Cell Biology; Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Title: Signaling Pathways in Myeloid Malignancies: New Insights and Therapeutic Targets
Click here to join the meeting or attend in person at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, 6th floor Bob Bell Auditorium.
GMCA Networking Night
October 21 | 6:30 - 9:30 PM
*Apply by October 9 at 11:59 PM
Connect with consultants from top firms, including Lifescience Dynamics, Deloitte Digital, Shift Health, Boston Consulting Group, and more!
Register here.
Immigrant Researchers: From Postdoc to PI
October 12 | 1:00 - 2:00 PM
This workshop, hosted by the Genetics Society of America, will bring together researchers from Europe, Asia, and the American continent who have immigrated to the US on their scientific career journeys. The panelists will share their experiences and tips for early career scientists who want to follow this journey. To learn more about the panelists and register, click here.
Mini-Networking Night: R&D and Pharma
October 13 | 6:00 - 8:00 PM
This virtual networking event will feature 4-6 professional guests from the R&D and Pharma industry.
For details and to register, click here.
2022 ECHO Pitch
October 13 | 3:00 - 8:00 PM
Join the Ted Rogers Center for Heart Research ECHO Pitch, a special event where 5 top cardiovascular health start-ups complete in front of a panel of judges and live audience.
Attend this event to learn, network, and set your entrepreneurial spirit free! Register here.
October 13 & 14 | Virtual event
The Schroeder Arthritis Institute’s inaugural International Conference on Arthritis “Integrating Care, Education and Research” will showcase cutting edge research and latest innovations in education and models of care in bone, joint, spine and autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Learn more here!
Register for free!
The UHN STEM Pathways team is looking for UHN trainees, staff and scientists who are interested in delivering educational opportunities to elementary and high school students.
UHN volunteers will participate in outreach initiatives such as classroom visits, scientist panels, lab tours, mentorship and hands-on workshops. Select volunteers will receive an honorarium to develop and facilitate programming.
Learn more here or register here.
Are you interested in science communication and outreach? Then join the Toronto Research Information Outreach Team (RIOT)!
RIOT is a team of researchers that works with the Canadian Cancer Society to share their knowledge with the general public. They engage with members of the community, through presentations, blog posts, symposiums and social media.
RIOT is looking for enthusiastic scientists to join their team. Interested? Visit the RIOT website or email:
- Kieran Manion, Dr. Ana Konvalinka's Lab - Keiran is using a multi-omics approach to uncover the mechanisms underlying antibody-mediated rejection following kidney transplantation.
- Sarvatit Patel, Dr. Kathryn Howe's Lab - Sarvatit studies endothelial-based extracellular vesicle communication in atherosclerotic plaque to identify novel therapeutic targets in carotid disease.
- Sonia Taïb, Dr. Sara Vasconcelos' Lab - Sonia works on effective vascularization for application in cell-based regenerative strategies.
- Shreya Dhume, Dr. Lena Serghides' Lab - Shreya studies the effect of in utero exposure of antiretroviral drugs on fetal neurodevelopment and neuronal health.
- Haruna Kitazawa, Dr. Chung-Wai Chow’s Lab - Haruna is working to elucidate respiratory diseases through pulmonary function tests, especially Oscillometry.
*To share your achievements with the UHN research community please fill out this form or email