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Find out what's going on at the ORT and around UHN!
ORT Drop-In Sessions
The ORT is hosting a series of drop-in sessions to meet with trainees and postdoctoral researchers to answer questions, share resources, and provide a safe space for addressing issues. 

January 11, 2:00 PM, PMCRT 13-710
January 17, 1:00 PM, KDT 5KD430
January 24, 10:00 AM, TRI 5-141
January 26, 10:30 AM, Zoom (Register Here)

More Information
Getting Started in Research - Advice from UHN Undergrads
Join to hear from undergrad and high school student panelists from different UHN research institutes share their path to getting involved with research, how they found a supervisor, and how they were able to secure a research position. 

January 12, 1:00 PM | More Information and Register
From Postdoc to Research Faculty Crash Course: EDI Statements and Teaching Dossiers
This course will provide postdocs with comprehensive support as they embark on their journey toward securing a research faculty position. The third session will cover how to create teaching dossiers and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) statements. 

January 25, 1:00 PM | More Information and Register
Five Principles of Successful Investing with RBC
In this session, you will learn from Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Financial Planners how to successfully invest and manage your personal finances by using five guiding principles.

January 31, 1:00 PM | More Information and Register
Seeds of Science Podcast: Episode 7
Episode 7 of Seeds of Science Podcast Season 2 is out now. Listen to learn more about Saul Cobbing, a postdoctoral researcher with Dr. Nikki Woods at TIER.  

Listen now!
CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship: Information Webinar
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is hosting an information session to provide interested applicants with information on the requirements of the "Health System Impact Fellowship" funding opportunity and to answer questions on how to apply. 

January 9, 12:00 PM | More Information and Zoom Link
Nano-Optogenetic Engineering of CAR T-Cells for Wirelessly Controlled Cancer Immunotherapy
Join the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (PMCC) for a talk by Dr. Kai Huang entitled "Nano-Optogenetic Engineering of CAR T-Cells for Wirelessly Controlled Cancer Immunotherapy". 

January 11, 4:00 PM | PMCC, 610 University Ave, 6th Floor, Bob Bell Auditorium
Indigenous Experiences and Opportunities in Biomedical Career Paths 
Presented by the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, this event will provide insights into how the panelists navigated their academic paths, their future plans, and discuss how institutions can encourage Indigenous students toward their career goals. 

January 15, 1:00 PM | More Information and Register
Future of Theranostics: Intersection of Precision Medicine, Innovation, and Execution
Join UHN and Telix Pharmaceuticals to learn more about the growing field of theranostics. The talk will provide insights into the current research and unmet needs in the field and showcase current opportunities in theranostics. 

January 16, 11:30 AM | Download Calendar Invite
Careers Beyond Academia
The Stem Cell Network and Medicine by Design have partnered to host Careers Beyond Academia, a virtual career seminar series that profiles a wide variety of careers available to trainees who hold degrees in the life sciences. This session includes professionals from the Ontario Brain Institute and GSK Canada.

January 17, 12:00 PM | Register
Call for Reviewers: CMBEC Conference
The scientific committee for the 46th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (CMBEC) is inviting interested researchers to join as reviewers for the submitted papers at this year's conference.

Apply by January 10 | More Information and Apply
The McCall MacBain Talks
The McCall MacBain Talks challenges current postdoctoral researchers at eligible Ontario universities to share their research in an accessible way with the community. Through 10-minute research talks, researchers are given a chance to use their communication and presentation skills in the McMaster University LIVELab. 

Apply by January 12 | More Information and Apply
2024 Brain Star Awards
Brain Star Awards are designed to recognize the excellence of research done in Canada by trainees in the fields of neuroscience, mental health, and addiction.
Apply by January 15 | More Information and Apply
CCS Research Training Awards 2024
The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) Research Training Awards are available to researchers in Canada at the Master's, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral levels in the field of cancer research. 

Abstracts due by January 17 | More Information and Apply
2024 Postdoctoral Fellow Award on Canadian Veterans with Chronic Pain
The Canadian Pain Society and the Chronic Pain Centre for Excellence for Canadian Veterans (CPCoE) are offering a Postdoctoral Fellow Award focused on clinical, health services, or health policy research relevant to Veterans living with chronic pain. 

Apply by January 21 | More Information and Apply
Teaching for Transformation: Annual Conference +
The Centre for Faculty Development is hosting the Teaching for Transformation: Annual Conference from March 25-27, 2024. The Conference will allow attendees to explore the education paradigms and practices needed for today's healthcare work through keynote sessions, workshops, roundtables, and more. 

Earlybird rate until January 31 | More Information and Apply
SRI 2024-2025 Graduate Fellowship
The Schwartz Reisman Institute (SRI) for Technology and Society is accepting applications for the SRI 2024-2025 Graduate Fellowship. This award is open to researchers at the University of Toronto whose work explores the social impacts of new technologies. 

Apply by February 4 | More Information and Apply

Congratulations Kristen Ashworth on receiving the Institute of Medical Science Open Fellowship Award!
Kristen is a Master's student under the supervision of Dr. Brian Ballios at the Krembil Research Institute. Kristen is developing a novel retinal organoid model to study stem cell therapy for currently incurable genetic eye diseases.

Share your accomplishments with us!
Have you won an award? Published a paper? Attended to a cool conference? Let us know by filling out the ORT highlight form here to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media!
Student and Postdoctoral Researcher Handbook
The ORT has created a comprehensive handbook for UHN research trainees and postdoctoral researchers. Click here to download the handbook!
Share a concern or idea with the ORT
We want to hear from you! Share your feedback and concerns here
To share upcoming events or opportunities with the UHN research community, please fill out this form or email
From Pinterest
For more information about upcoming events at the ORT and other events of interest check out the Event Calendar on our website!
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