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Find out what's going on at the ORT and around UHN!
ORT Drop-In Sessions
The ORT is hosting a series of drop-in sessions to meet with trainees and postdoctoral researchers to answer questions, share resources, and provide a safe space for addressing issues. 

May 16, 2:00 PM, TRI, KITE Innovation Gallery
May 31, 10:30 AM, Zoom (Register for the link here!)
More Information
Research Readiness: Strategies for a Productive Summer
Join the ORT for the first learning session of the 2024 Summer Training and Research (STAR) program to learn strategies to enhance your research productivity and professional development this summer at UHN. 

May 17, 2:00 PM, Toronto Rehab Institute, 2nd Floor Auditorium | More Information
Career Panel - Navigating Careers in Science Communications
Are you interested in a career in scientific communications? Join us for an exciting career panel with seasoned experts in the fields of medical communications, scientific illustration, and donor relations!

May 22, 2:00 PM | More Information & Register
Join the UHNPA Leadership Team
Are you a UHN postdoc interested in building your CV, organizing exciting events, and networking/socializing? The UHN Postdoc Association (UHNPA) is recruiting new members to be part of their team.  

More Information & Sign Up
Technology-Enhanced Medical Education: Beyond Hype and Hopes
Join the Centre for Faculty Development to review the hypes and hopes associated with technology-enhanced medical education - from e-learning and simulation to AI-augmented learning. 

May 14, 12:00 PM | More Information & Register
Research at Work: Science Policy 101 - Science Policy Advocacy
Through interactive exercises, participants can refine their policy pitch skills and explore real policy examples, empowering them to become effective advocates for science in policymaking. 

May 16, 6:30 PM | More Information & Register
Clinical Trials in Rare Disease
Drs. Beth Potter and Pranesh Chakraborty will discuss the challenges in generating treatments for rare diseases and the existing strategies and guidance for supporting clinical trials through patient registries.

May 22, 12:00 PM | More Information & Register
Storytelling: How to Tell the Story of Your Work
Facilitated by Renira Narrandes, a storyteller, spoken word artist, and knowledge translation specialist, this six-hour workshop takes participants on a journey from understanding how our brains respond to stories, to learning how to develop a strong and captivating story. 

May 23 | More Information & Register
Navigating the UHN PLEX Toolkit
This virtual presentation will highlight UHN's Pride in Patient Engagement in Research (PiPER) initiative, offering researchers valuable strategies for effectively involving Patients with Lived Experience (PLEX) in clinical trial and design.

May 24, 12:00 PM | Microsoft Teams Link
Life Sciences Career Expo 2024
The Life Science Career Expo is a hybrid multi-day career conference designed to bring together students and postdoctoral researchers with educators, researchers, industry partners,  and government stakeholders to explore the vast career opportunities in science. 

May 21-23 | More Information & Register
AGE-WELL EPIC Conference 2024
This virtual conference brings together older adults, caregivers, government, and industry partners for eight virtual sessions on the eight AGE-WELL challenge areas, and featuring presentations from AGE-WELL leaders, trainees, fellows, and alumni. 

May 21 - 30 | More Information & Register
Introduction to R
This two-day course (June 11-12) will provide participants with practical experience and skills to meet the challenges of data handling, problem-solving, and using R syntax, functions, and packages. 

Application Deadline May 30 | More Information & Apply
Job Opportunity: Program Coordinator
The Department of Computational Biology and Medicine Program (CBMP) at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre is looking for a Program Coordinator to help grow the CBMP.

Application Deadline June 2 | More Information & Apply
Radiological Technology Courses
Continuing Education at Michener offers several courses in the field of Radiological Technology. If you're a Rad Tech interested in continuing your professional development, visit their website to learn more about our course offerings.

More Information

Congratulations to Kyla Trkulja for receiving the Canadian Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral (CGS-D)!
Kyla is a PhD student at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre supervised by Drs. Armand Keating, John Kuruvilla, and Rob Laister. Her multidisciplinary project studies the mechanism of action of an XPO1 inhibitor as a treatment for lymphoma.

Share your accomplishments with us!
Have you won an award? Published a paper? Attended a cool conference? Let us know by filling out the ORT highlight form here to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or on social media!
Student and Postdoctoral Researcher Handbook
The ORT has created a comprehensive handbook for UHN research trainees and postdoctoral researchers. Click here to download the handbook!
Share a concern or idea with the ORT
We want to hear from you! Share your feedback and concerns here
To share upcoming events or opportunities with the UHN research community, please fill out this form or email
From Cell Cartoons
For more information about upcoming events at the ORT and other events of interest check out the Event Calendar on our website!
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