About RP@UHN:
The Committee of Research Professionals at UHN is a group working across all University Health Network Research Institutes. Our purpose is to provide a platform for research professionals to network, socialize and collaborate across TeamUHN.
We aim to liaise between research professionals, the research institutes and UHN to provide training to the community of research professionals across UHN for professional and personal development.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out at researchprofessionals@uhnresearch.ca. Looking forward to connecting with you!
EVENT RESCHEDULED – Now happening on September 29 from 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Research Professionals at UHN: People & Culture Information Session on Total Compensation Program
Do you have questions about the UHN Total Compensation Program (TCP)? Questions about how your salary will be affected? Questions about how the TCP relates to your performance evaluation?
Join the Committee of Research Professionals @ UHN (RP@UHN) on September 29th from 2:00-3:00 pm for a virtual information workshop with UHN’s People & Culture Team where we will review everything employees should know about the TCP.
Anna Gordon, the People Consultants Director supporting UHN Research, will provide an overview about the TCP, including what it is, how it differs from the performance enhancement cycle, what staff need to do to qualify and how salary adjustments are calculated.
We’ll also have a Question and Answer portion so you can ask any outstanding questions about the TCP. Staff will come away from this event with a clearer understanding of the Total Compensation Program.
Register here to secure a spot.