September 13 | 1:00 – 2:00 PM
The Art of Grant Writing
The Office of Research Trainees (ORT) will be joined by Dr. Ellen Wilson, former Director of Research Development at Huntsman Cancer Institute (University of Utah)and current member of Life Sciences Editors, who will share insights gained through decades of editing research proposals. The workshop will particularly focus on how to craft a compact scientific argument for funding opportunities such as CIHR trainee awards. The concepts discussed will be applicable for producing all types of compelling proposals. Guidance regarding grant writing and scientific grant review will also be provided.
This webinar is free and open to everyone. All event registrants are asked to make sure they have read and agree to abide by the ORT’s Code of Conduct.
Join us September 13th from 1:00 – 2:00PM to learn how to write effective 1-page research grant proposals!
Speaker Bio:
Ellen obtained her Ph.D. at the Institute of Molecular Biology at the University of Oregon, characterizing the regulatory regions of genes transcribed by Polymerase III. She joined Princeton University as a postdoctoral fellow, where she studied genetic regulation of gastrulation in the fruit fly, work that was published in Cell. She next shifted to early development of the zebrafish, studying cell fate choices and gastrulation and publishing her findings in Science, Trends in Genetics, and elsewhere. Subsequently, she won grants from HHMI and NIH to produce internet-based science education curricula for the Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah. She then spent twenty years in Research Development at U of U’s Huntsman Cancer Institute, an NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center. At HCI, she was an expert in all aspects of the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30) and was an author and scientific editor of that grant, as well as many others designed to fund strategic institutional initiatives. In addition, she contributed to and edited proposals for large, complex, or multi-project grants from HCI’s cancer center members. She joined Life Science Editors in 2021.