February 14 | 2:00 – 4:00 PM | Virtual Workshop
Introduction to Teaching Dossiers
Learn about teaching dossiers and how to build your own!
The UHN Office of Research Trainees invites you to a learning session on Teaching Dossiers. This virtual, interactive workshop is for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are interested in pursing roles in academia.
In the session, facilitators from the University of Toronto’s Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation will address the following questions:
- What is a teaching dossier and why do I need it?
- What makes an effective teaching dossier?
- How do I get started? How do I build my dossier?
- What other tools and resources are available to support my dossier development?
There will also be time to have your questions answered and to reflect on your own teaching experience during the session.
This session is free and open to everyone. Register here.
Speaker Bios:
Samantha Chang – Samantha is a Faculty Liaison and Pedagogical Support in Teaching & Learning at the Faculty of Arts & Science, at the University of Toronto. She was also the Project Coordinator of “Developing Your Teaching Dossier” an open-access four-module series for graduate students and postdocs. Samantha’s teaching practice integrates critical pedagogies and anti-oppression-informed approaches and her course designs assimilate accessible design practices and the Universal Design for Learning framework. In 2021, she received the Course Instructor Teaching Excellence Award from the Teaching Assistants’ Training Program, at U of T.
Mike Kasprzak – Mike is an educational developer, instructional designer and teacher. As Assistant Director at the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, at the University of Toronto, he is responsible for the Teaching Assistants’ Training Program. He works closely with faculty and graduate students on designing and implementing effective teaching practice across disciples using a range of frameworks, such as, critical pedagogy, Universal Design for Learning, and Community of Inquiry. He is interested in transferable skills, teacher identity, and leadership, and has worked extensively on a range of initiatives and programming related to teaching dossiers.