
A poster for the Research Professional Social Hour event featuring a Gather.Town image on the left and laptop on the right. Text on the poster states that it will be Nov. 24 at 1 pm and invites the RPs at UHN to join for an informal gathering to relax, network, and socialize over games together in Gather.Town.
Research Professional Social Hour
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A poster with ghosts, candy, and pumpkins bordering text announcing the ORT's "Trainee Halloween Social, October 28, 2021 at 3:00 PM at Queen's Park." The event text invites you to "join us for candy, games, and a chance to meet other trainees at UHN".
ORT Trainee Halloween Social
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Poster for PDF Appreciation Week 2021. September 20-24. The poster is beige with an image of two scientists, one with a microscope writing on a piece of paper and another with different blue bubbles of science objects coming out of the flask.
Postdoc Appreciation Week 2021
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Poster for the Managing your Money: Investing 101 Workshop. The Office of Research Trainees and KITE at UHN logos are at the top left corner. On the right side of the poster is a photo of Annie Zhang. Below it reads: Annie Zhang, Manager of Asset Liability Management- Hedge Accounting at TD Bank. Along the bottom the poster reads: August 24th at 6 pm, Zoom webinar
ORT and KITEC Webinar- Managing Your Money: Investment 101
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UHN Summer Seminar Series Poster. A blue poster that says Research at UHN UHN Summer Seminar Series. A free virtual summer program for high school students. July 27-29, 10 am to 1 pm, via Zoom. Students from underrepresented communities are encouraged and welcome to attend.
UHN Summer Seminar Series
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Event poster on a peach background with white and black writing. The poster says RP @ UHN Community Mixer, a social event for Research Professionals at UHN to socialize, learn and network. June 16th, 2021, 1- 2 pm. Attendees will receive a free gift sponsored by Cederlane. On the bottom left is a clipart image of many people having a conversation.
RP @ UHN Community Mixer
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Event poster for ORT and Coding Hive workshop on Machine Learning and AI in Genomics on May 27th from 4 to 7 pm. Zoom webinar including an introduction to Next Generation Sequencing Data, Artificial Intelligence in Genomics and Machine Learning Algorithms. Python hands-on coding session. No coding experience required. A photo of the instructor, Fouad Yousif Founder and Facilitator of Coding Hive, is included on the left.
ORT Webinar: Machine Learning and AI in Genomics
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